Tuesday, 13 September 2011

What to do...what to do!?

The lessons are up and running now that writing sample week is over. I'm kinda good at percentages but I DONT like fractions. We had to turn percentages into fractions. ICKY!

Any way I have to do a explanation, and an argument! They have to be done by the end of the year. What am I supposed to do for them!?!?!?
I want to do something really good for both of them. I also have to do a narrative as well, but I am allowed to use my Spicer story. LUCKY ME! Anyhoo I have no idea what to do but I will post when I have.

1 comment:

  1. Could you do your explanation writing on math? You could write about how you can turn percentages into fractions describing the equipment you use. Or even just using a combination of words and diagrams to make your point. I've seen your good copy math notebook, that's technically explanation writing.

    ps. you're getting algebra too next week.
